Informational campaign carried out as part of the SRG010 initiative for the year 2023
“Promotion of quality products” under the Complement for Rural Development of Tuscany 2023-2027, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

Assocantuccini is working on the project “Travelling with Tuscan PGI Cantuccini,” supported by the Tuscany Region and co-financed by the European Union. The project aims to raise the knowledge of Cantuccini Toscani PGI among both the general public and Italian and international buyers, with the result of highlighting the full value of the PGI and capturing new market segments.

Share Your Moments with Us!


We invite you to send us your photos featuring Cantuccini Toscani PGI alongside iconic monuments, architectural landmarks, or scenic landscapes-whether from Italy or abroad.
The selected photos will be showcased in a postcard format across our social media channels and/or in print.
For full participation details, please refer to the Guidelines.

Share Your Sweet Creations!

We’d love to see your sweet creations featuring Cantuccini Toscani PGI! Whether you’re recreating a recipe from Le Ricette by Luisanna Messeri or crafting your own original dessert using Cantuccini Toscani PGI as a key ingredient, we consider all your delicious ideas precious.
The selected recipes, along with photos and ingredient lists, will be featured on our social media channels and/or in print.
For full participation details, please refer to the Guidelines.

Have Your Say!


We’d love to hear your thoughts!
Take a moment to fill out the short questionnaire: “What do you think of Cantuccini Toscani PGI?”
It only takes 5 quick questions and a few seconds of your time, but for us, it’s a valuable step in gaining insight!
Originally tested during The State of the Union (SOU, May 23, 2024), organized by the European University Institute of Fiesole, this survey allows everyone – including you – to share your opinion on Tuscan Cantuccini and the significance of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). Your feedback matters and will play a role in shaping the future of this iconic product.
To participate, simply answer the online questionnaire.

Consorzio per la Tutela
dei Cantuccini Toscani IGP
Via Valfonda 9
50123 Firenze
C.F. e P.IVA: 07300710485
Tel. +39 055 2707400

I read privacy policy
and I agree with the private data management rules, as requested on art.13 D.lgs 196/03
personali ai sensi dell’art. 13 del D.lgs 196/03


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